Start: 2021-11-03 11:50
End: 2021-11-03 12:50
Start: 2021-11-03 23:50
End: 2021-11-04 00:50
All full and applied papers in the corresponding sessions will have a poster here. In addition, there will also be these short/resource/demo papers:
Fake news, rumours and fact checking (harmful online content) |
rgsp2611 MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection |
rgsp2538 Using Topic Modeling and Adversarial Neural Networks for Fake News Video Detection |
rgsp2533 Modeling Inter-Claim Interactions for Verifying Multiple Claims |
de3100 Discovering Conflicts of Interest across Heterogeneous Data Sources with ConnectionLens |
rgsp2911 CrossAug: A Contrastive Data Augmentation Method for Debiasing Fact Verification Models |
de3108 FaxPlainAC: A Fact-Checking Tool Based on EXPLAINable Models with HumAn Correction in the Loop |
de3116 WhatTheWikiFact: Fact-Checking Claims Against Wikipedia |
Knowledge Graphs Embeddings and Representations |
rgsp2862 SeDyT: A General Framework for Multi-Step Event Forecasting via Sequence Modeling on Dynamic Entity Embeddings |
de3069 PRASEMap: A Probabilistic Reasoning and Semantic Embedding based Knowledge Graph Alignment System |
Recommendation and Collaborative Filtering |
rgsp2679 Causally Attentive Collaborative Filtering |
rgsp2462 Entity-aware Collaborative Relation Network with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation |
rgsp2552 Anchor-based Collaborative Filtering |
rgsp2458 Vector-Quantized Autoencoder With Copula for Collaborative Filtering |
rgsp2379 XPL-CF: Explainable Embeddings for Feature-based Collaborative Filtering |
rsfp3167 RecBole: Towards a Unified, Comprehensive and Efficient Framework for Recommendation Algorithms |
rsfp3146 librec-auto: A Tool for Recommender Systems Experimentation |
Conversations |
rgsp2944 Predicting Success of a Persuasion through Joint Modeling of Utterance Categorization |
rgsp2518 Simulated Annealing for Emotional Dialogue Systems |
rgsp0113 DialogueBERT: A Self-Supervised Learning based Dialogue Pre-training Encoder |
rgsp2695 Question Rewriting for Open-Domain Conversational QA: Best Practices and Limitations |
Scalability issues in Machine Learning |
rgsp2293 FedSkel: Efficient Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Systems with Skeleton Gradients Update |
rgsp2319 New Tight Relaxations of Rank Minimization for Multi-Task Learning |
rsfp2031 LC: A Flexible, Extensible Open-Source Toolkit for Model Compression |
rgsp2444 Binary Code based Hash Embedding for Web-scale Applications |
Domain Specific Data Mining |
rgsp2408 Constructing Noise Free Economic Policy Uncertainty Index |
rgsp2404 Distilling Numeral Information for Volatility Forecasting |
rgsp2931 Understanding Multi-channel Customer Behavior in Retail |
de3059 DORA THE EXPLORER: Exploring Very Large Data With Interactive Deep Reinforcement Learning |
rgsp2011 CoSEM: Contextual and Semantic Embedding for App Usage Prediction |
rgsp2435 Asterisk-Shaped Features for Tabular Data |
rgsp2447 Unsupervised Cross-system Log Anomaly Detection via Domain Adaptation |
rgsp0116 Disentangled Self-Attentive Neural Networks for Click-Through Rate Prediction |